Health & Wellness
Working from Home? Skip the Junk Food and Opt for These Healthy Snacks as Fuel for Maximum Energy and Focus
Working from home can be challenging when it comes to eating healthy. Here’s how to use food as fuel to maximize your energy and focus.


Why You Should Join AARP

Julien and Kiersten Saunders answer the question: Why should you join AARP?
Why You Should Join AARP

Slow Down and Focus on What's Important with Olly Wood

Olly Wood and Tristan Ahumada discuss the need to focus on what’s important in our lives instead of only looking at what’s urgent.
Slow Down and Focus on What's Important with Olly Wood

The Science of Stress with Dr. Chris Lee

Dr. Chris Lee, the founder and CEO of Elemental Shift, explains the science of stress to Erin King.
The Science of Stress with Dr. Chris Lee

Helping Women Reclaim Their Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Cabeca, now a certified OB/GYN and founder of The Girlfriend Doctor brand and products, and Karen Allen discuss the reasons why women have been left out of medical research and...
Helping Women Reclaim their Health with Dr. Anna Cabeca

Medical Tourism

Kiersten and Julien talk about the issues you may encounter abroad, such as communication challenges and continuity of care, including not being able to follow up with the same doctor...
Medical Tourism

Plant-Based Power with Steele Smiley

Steele Smiley talks with Karen Allen about the importance of reframing difficult situations, and how he centers manifestation in his daily life.
Plant-Based Power with Steele Smiley

Surprise Medical Bills: The Costs of Healthcare

Kiersten and Julien Saunders explain how they plan for their healthcare expenses and share tips.
The Costs of Healthcare

Don't Ignore Burnout with Jennifer Moss

Jennifer Moss joins Tristan Ahumada to discuss the dangers of burnout, how company culture plays a role, the type of people who are more at risk, and how to set...
Don't Ignore Burnout with Jennifer Moss

5 Ways to Better Handle Financial Stress

Things in the financial world are starting to look up for some people. Even though inflation is going crazy and housing prices continue to rise, there are signs that the...
5 Ways to Better Handle Financial Stress