Your May Action Plan: 10 Ways to Live an Abundant Life

UPDATED: May 6, 2023
PUBLISHED: May 1, 2017
three happy women living abundant lives

Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips straight from SUCCESS magazine—10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life. This month, focus on your overall personal growth. From your career to your relationships, here’s how to live an abundant life.

1. Remember happy.

Emotional enemies such as the fear of failure—and even the fear of success—can hold you back from achieving your goals. Write down your top three accomplishments and put this list somewhere obvious as a reminder of your worth.

Read: 4 Ways to Quiet the Emotional Enemies in Your Mind

2. Level up to live an abundant life.

Who would you be if money, time or other commitments weren’t a factor? What could you accomplish if nothing stood in your way? Take time to reflect on your life and ensure you’re living the best version of you.

Read: How Playing The Sims Taught Me to Really Live

3. Embrace optimism.

Struggling to see a brighter future? Remind yourself that life—and negative situations—are cyclical. What was once the biggest problem in your life has likely become a blip in the rearview mirror.

Read: How to Become an Optimist

4. Live an abundant life by booking a trip.

“Travel more.” It’s a summer plan for 41.69% of respondents, according to a survey by The Vacationer—and according to the same survey, nearly 85% of respondents plan to travel at least once this summer. Stop making excuses and book a trip that will give your brain and body a break from the daily grind.

Read: A Brave Heart Can Overcome Anything

5. Take stock.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” Jim Rohn once stated. Who are those people in your life? Do they lift you up or drag you down? Evaluate whom you choose to spend time with, and make more time for the right ones.

Read: What Happened When I Tried to Cut the Negative People Out of My Life

6. Give up guilt to live an abundant life.

If you’re a people-pleaser, you tend to say “yes” even when you’re already overextended. Analyze the motivation behind your “yes” and give yourself permission to say no.

Read: 4 Ways to Stop Being a People Pleaser

7. Find freedom.

If you’ve dreamed of leaving your job to follow your passion, it’s time to stop dreaming and start doing. Write down the next five steps you need to take to get started and commit to taking the first one this month.

Read: How I Succeed in the YouEconomy

8. Live an abundant life by continuing to learn.

Sign up for one new class or online course this week. It might not benefit your career or make you wealthier, but it will increase your knowledge. Embrace a student mindset.

Read: To Be Successful, Focus on Your Personal Growth

9. Dream big.

Success isn’t scarce. Give yourself permission to dream big and reach for your biggest goals. Often the biggest obstacle is our own fear of failure.

Read: How Michelle Phan Built a $500 Million Beauty Empire

10. Give kindness to live an abundant life.

Reach out with words of encouragement this week. Kindness benefits both the giver and the receiver, so embrace the gift you give to yourself and others.

Read: 6 Ways to Embrace an Abundance Mindset

This article originally appeared in the May 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine and was updated May 2023. Photo by Ground Picture/Shutterstock