Tony Robbins is in the business of breakthroughs. It’s his mission to change lives—and so far, he’s empowered more than 50 million people through his life training programs.
As an entrepreneur, a philanthropist, a best-selling author (of five internationally acclaimed books) and a life strategist (to people like U.S. presidents and billionaire hedge fund managers), he’s the real deal.
Related: Tony Robbins on How to Achieve the Extraordinary
Robbins has been named as one of the “Top 50 Business Intellectuals in the World” by Accenture, one of the “Top 200 Business Gurus” by Harvard Business Press and one of the “Top Six Business Leaders in the World” by American Express—to name just a few of his high honors.
In this episode of The Pursuit, Kelsey Humphreys sits down with Tony Robbins, who reveals his own breakthroughs, how he rewires his brain to push himself to succeed—and how you can, too:
1. Plot your patterns.
Today’s drug, Robbins says, is an addiction to problems. Finding, identifying and solving your roadblocks are the first step to happiness.
“There’s only one thing that will make you happy: progress,” he says.
2. Find your purpose.
After his mom kicked him out and he had no car, no money, no anything, he was depressed. That’s when he decided he had to figure out what to do. So he got on a bus to a bookstore, and he bought The Magic of Believing by Claud M. Bristol. “I started on this journey saying, Every single day I’m going to feed my mind. I’m not going to hope good thoughts show up…. I’m going to find out what makes people tick, I’m going to understand what makes me tick.”
The breakthrough? “Understanding the power of compressing decades into days.”
Which led to his purpose: “My whole focus is really helping people have an extraordinary quality of life—that means life on your terms, not mine.”
3. Feed your mind.
Robbins loves to quote his late mentor Jim Rohn, who said, “Every day stand guard at the door of your mind.”
Related: Who Inspires Tony Robbins?
The most successful people are hungry. They have a hunger for learning—they don’t get comfortable. “When you’re hungry,” Robbins says, “there’s continuous breakthroughs, because you’re always looking for answers.”
4. Push yourself.
“My entire life from the very beginning days was, How do I do more for others than anyone else on earth?” he says. “How do I give them experiences that are lasting? How do I create change where change wasn’t possible?”
So early in his career, when Robbins encountered a woman with a seven-year snake phobia, he said he could cure her—onstage at one of his seminars. That gutsy move is what he calls “deep practice”—basically a do-or-die scenario.
“I made it so I had nowhere to go but forward,” he says.
5. Nourish your spirit.
“I don’t hope I’m going to wake up feeling great,” Robbins says. “So what I do is I concentrate for 3 1/2 minutes on just three things every morning that I’m incredibly grateful for.”
The reason he goes to gratitude? “I know that fear and anger are the things that mess people up. You cannot be grateful and be fearful simultaneously. You can’t be angry and grateful simultaneously.”
Related: The Pursuit: 5 Ways to Take Charge of Your Life, the Brendon Burchard Way