What Is the Biggest Change You’ve Ever Made?

UPDATED: May 22, 2024
PUBLISHED: January 23, 2021
What’s the biggest change you’ve ever made and what impact did it have?

The biggest change I ever made was to hire a team, which allowed me to expand my business and triple revenue in one year. I learned that we all have our expertise, and bringing in other team members can grow your business to a level you never expected.

—Lisa Collum, CEO and owner of Top Score Writing

I started my second company in 2018, more than eight years after my first one. The biggest change I made was hiring up-and-comers—as opposed to seasoned executives—for senior positions. It’s really helped me become a better leader, since I am now responsible for coaching and mentoring in a way I’ve never been before.

— Manav Mital, co-founder and CEO of Cyral

I took a leap of faith to quit my 20-year career at Microsoft to create a new women’s digital health company, complete with things I had never done before—fundraising, starting a company from scratch, running financials, etc. It has been the most amazing growth experience. Humbling, but also invigorating.

— Jill Angelo, CEO of Gennev

Learning to adapt to crisis. Fortunately, running a business out of Houston, I’ve gotten used to this. After a series of hurricanes, we’ve had to shift our business model to what is in demand every year. Sometimes that has meant turning into a company that helps people with flood damage, and other times it has meant repurposing our party tents to be COVID-19 testing tents. Change brings about resilience that hardens leaders and managers to become great leaders.

—Robert De Los Santos, CEO of Sky High Party Rental

Related: How to Decide When It’s Time to Make a Change

This article originally appeared in the January/February 2021 issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Photo by vkstudio/Twenty20.com

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