How do you decide when it’s time to make a change?

I’ve made several transitions throughout my life, so knowing when it’s time to pivot comes naturally to me. Following your intuition is key. If you think it’s time for you to move on from something, then it probably is.
—Kurt Seidensticker, founder and CEO of Vital Proteins

I align my team on a shared strategy everyone can understand and relate to, and I make sure everyone feels important during the process of executing it. If I start to see misalignment or dwindling motivation, it’s time to make change.
—Yeva Hyusyan, founder and CEO of SoloLearn

I know we have iterated on a problem enough when we reach a point of diminishing returns and have all of the information we need to switch things up. Intuition plays a role as well. If I feel I am fighting the wind for too long without any meaningful progress, it’s clear that I need to make a change.
—Hubert Palan, CEO of Productboard

I know I need to make a change when I start to get that gut feeling that something is off. I always try to pay attention to my intuition as I’m a very passionate person who doesn’t need to be motivated by others to get the job done. If I start seeing concerning various factors come into play like not feeling as motivated or passionate about a particular project—or it isn’t adequately serving my employees, clients or campers’ needs—then I’m usually inclined to take a step back and see where I need to switch things up.
—Meghan Clem, executive director and co-founder of RAD Camp
This article originally appeared in the November/December 2020 issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Photo by criene/