What is the most important element of successful business relationships?
1. Communication

Open communication and transparency. Without a doubt. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver. Be realistic and honest with expectations. If those are always followed, people will have little reason to be upset with you or, even worse, not trust you.
—Lisa Gilmore, principal designer at Lisa Gilmore Design
2. Trust

Trust. It forms the foundation for relationships with customers, employees and suppliers. Trust empowers people to make the right decisions and take the best action.
—Rick Salas, president and co-founder of Inspire Diagnostics
3. Credibility

Successful business relationships are built on your own credibility. Constantly striving to provide value to those you meet, listening to their needs and fulfilling those needs quickly and with integrity is how you build a credible and successful business.
—Leanne Lopez Mosley, founder and CEO of GROW Coaching Solutions
This article originally appeared in the May/June issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Photo by Jacob Lund/Shutterstock