How to Rest and Recharge

UPDATED: January 26, 2024
PUBLISHED: January 26, 2024
woman sitting on blue carpet stairs

Taking the steps needed to get started on your own journey toward growth is a big deal, especially given how busy life can be. We all have to work, handle the details of our personal lives and foster a social life, while also trying to grow personally and professionally. I don’t know about you, but that can be a lot to handle at any one time. While you’re trying to balance all of the everyday tasks, there are some important things that tend to get pushed to the side. One that often gets overlooked in our busy lives is the importance of resting and recharging our batteries. 

Just like the devices we use daily, our bodies and minds also require regular recharging. Without it, we can find ourselves feeling unproductive, drained and even detached from our own lives. And with burnout and stress seeming to increase more and more the last few years, across all professions, it’s important to recognize that needing a break to rest and recharge isn’t a sign of weakness or inefficiency. 

Why should you rest and recharge?

So, we can acknowledge that resting and recharging isn’t a sign of weakness, right? On the contrary, recognizing the need to rest and recharge is a sign of self-awareness. It’s a real strength that contributes to our overall well-being and productivity across the board. 

When we work all day without any kind of real break, our body and mind will never be able to operate at 100%. Taking the time to rest and recharge gives you the opportunity to relax and step back from everything going on around you. And by extension, downtime also allows your brain the opportunity to get a much deserved break—no matter how you choose to take that break. 

5 ways to rest and recharge your mind and body

For me, recharging happens twice a day for the most part. I recharge every morning with something I like to call “coffee with the dogs.” That’s where I sit on my favorite couch with my favorite cup of coffee sandwiched in between my two favorite, giant dogs. This is a time and space where no interruptions are allowed.

I also try to recharge every night by dancing around the house to some loud music while making dinner for my family! That’s my happy place; that’s how I like to recharge myself–coffee with the dogs and singing and dancing around while making dinner!

Recharging is going to look a little different for everyone. I’ve pulled together a few different ways you can rest and recharge, ranging from something as quick as just taking a few moments for yourself to making time to talk with friends for a much needed catch-up.

1. Grab a quiet moment

Take your own “coffee with dogs” moments throughout your day. Stress can negatively impact you, and it can be hard to escape completely, especially in your everyday life. But working a few quiet moments into your day can help you step back and rest your mind—even if only for a few minutes. A quiet moment might come in the form of meditating, doing yoga, journaling or enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning, like I do.

2. Focus on one of your hobbies

When we ask ourselves how humans rest and recharge, doing something like focusing on a hobby might seem counterproductive since you’re doing an activity. But taking time for something fun is a great way to fill your cup and boost your creativity. Plus, recent studies have shown that time spent being creative can actually increase positivity.

3. Spend time outside

I think it’s fair to say we spend a lot of time inside and in front of screens. By getting outside, you’re giving yourself a reprieve from screen time and getting some much needed fresh air. You can spend time outside walking, riding a bike, having lunch with friends at an outdoor cafe or even participating in some kind of sport. This is a great way to keep your body and mind active and energized.

4. Chat with friends

Taking time to catch up with friends, either in person or over the phone, is a great way to recharge! Especially if you haven’t had time to chat recently, setting aside specific time for friends gives you something to look forward to and can help offset things like stress and detachment. In fact, research has shown that stable friendships are critical to our overall well-being!

5. Get up and moving

Exercise of any kind can provide you with all types of benefits, including better physical and mental health. When thinking about how to recharge yourself, exercise is a great option since you can freely pick and choose when and how you do it. You can take a daily walk, hit the gym several times a week or pop on a YouTube workout in the evening.

Deciding how to rest and recharge is all about discovering what rejuvenates you. What replenishes your energy and sparks joy within you? 

Once you know that, make that activity a non-negotiable and regular part of your routine. Remember, it’s not selfish to invest in your own well-being. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so it’s important to regularly refill it. I encourage you to really prioritize recharging your battery.

Remember, taking care of yourself isn’t a luxury, but a necessity. It’s OK to take a break to rest and recharge and even have a dance around the house at the end of the day.


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