“The truth is incontrovertible,” as Winston Churchill would say. You cannot be a top producer unless you genuinely believe in the value of your product or service and can enthusiastically convey that to your buyers.
Let’s be clear about what I mean by enthusiasm. I don’t mean the mass excitement generated at rock concerts and sales rallies. That kind of frantic jump-up-and-down excitement is short-lived. What good does it do to get all pumped up at one of those rallies if the thought of making a cold call gives you a migraine?
No, we’re talking about the genuine enthusiasm that comes from a sincere belief in what you’re selling. To develop enthusiasm, start truly believing in your industry, your company, your product and your ability to serve your customers. If you truly believe in your product, you won’t need superficial excitement to motivate you. You’ll be sitting in front of that phone thinking, I can’t wait to pick up the phone and start telling people how good this is.
Here are some tips on how to grow your enthusiasm:
1. Get feedback from your customers.
A lot of salespeople don’t want to hear from people they have sold their product to. No news is good news for that kind of salesperson. But the more customers you hear from who were delighted with their purchase, the better you will feel about what you do. Get feedback.
2. Improve the quality of your customers’ feedback with this mantra.
I’m going to promise my customers less but deliver more. If you are closing sales by exaggerating the worth or value of your product, you are always going to have unhappy customers.
3. Stimulate your sales presentation with enthusiastic third-party stories.
If you sell vacations and you can’t get excited about going to Hawaii, you can still enthusiastically say, “Jo and Bill McAuley were so excited about their vacation in Hawaii. They called to tell me that it was the best time they’d had in their lives.”
4. Learn about your competitors and their shortcomings.
Some salespeople are reluctant to do this because they have no intention of knocking the competition. That’s fine, but hopefully, the more you know about your competitors’ problems and shortcomings, the more enthusiastic you will become about your own product.
I’ve never met a more enthusiastic salesperson than my good friend Peter Shield. I first met Shield in Brisbane, Australia, when he introduced me to the audience at one of my Power Negotiating seminars. About 15 years later, Shield emigrated from Australia to Las Vegas, where he got involved in the timeshare industry, which he has taken to like a duck to water. He loves it.
For years now I’ve tried to break Shield’s enthusiasm for timeshare. I’ve never been able to do it. Every project he has worked on has been the most incredible bargain in the world. “Come on Peter,” I’ll tease him, “when I want to go on vacation I can pick from thousands of travel bargains on the web. Why would I need to buy a timeshare?”
“Roger,” he replies, “we’ve been friends for over 15 years now and I’ll tell you the truth from the bottom of my heart. You will never, ever find a better buy than the project that I’m working on now! And apart from that, you get my service. My service comes with every sale I make. And you can’t buy me online.”
What does that teach me about Shield’s approach? It teaches me nothing will ever shake his enthusiasm for his product.
Buyers are not persuaded by logic. They are persuaded by how well you can communicate your belief in your product and service.
This article was published in April 2010 and has been updated. Photo by Szepy/IStock