Smart Pet Trick: Pets Keep You Healthy

So you want to be heart-healthy, but running marathons or limiting your diet to unadorned fish,
Tablet Sales Soar

It’s a forecast–not for rain or sunshine–but for tablet sales. International Data Corporation, a global provider of market intelligence and advisory services for technology markets, predicts the sale of 190.9 million tablet computers this year. In 2011, 73 million tablets were sold (an increase of 256 percent over 2010 sales), according to NPD DisplaySearch. IDC […]
Strategic Sipping to Reduce Stroke Risk

People who drank 6 or more ounces of coffee each day cut their stroke risk by 20 percent over folks who rarely imbibe, according to a study reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association. And green tea can be just as helpful—the same 20 percent risk reduction for people who drank 24 or […]
Stand Up (to Lower Your Chances of Heart Disease)

“The common denominator in the modern workday is our, um, tush,” says Nilofer Merch
Dry Those (Allergy) Tears

The mere mention of “ragweed” starts noses tingling and hands reaching toward the t
The Facebook Fix: It Makes You Feel Good

Feeling down on yourself? Visiting your Facebook page can make it all better, according to Corn
Give Yourself a Skin Checkup

As spring ends and summer begins, it’s a great time to start regular self-exams for skin
Thank You Berry Much: Lower Heart Attack Risk

Young and middle-age women with diets high in anthocyanin—a substance found in red and blue fruits such as strawberries and blueberries—were about a third less likely to suffer heart attacks, according to a Harvard study. Researchers based their findings on the Nurses’ Health Study II, in which 93,600 participants disclosed their eating habits and lifestyle […]
Sweat Index

Amid the drumbeat of news about the U.S. obesity epidemic, here’s a surprising bright spo
Murray Breaks the ‘Groundhog Day’ Curse–Twice

Twenty years ago this month, TV weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) went on a life lockdown i
Marissa Mayer Is the Classic Overachiever

Marissa Mayer, 37, is accomplished in many areas, from data-crunching to artificial intelligenc
Let Freedom Ring

Gary Sinise went from being depressed about not getting work to being in two o