Why You Should Be a Student of Your Own Life

Why You Should Be a Student of Your Own Life

In studying your own life, be sure to study the negative as well as the positive, your failures as well as your successes. Our so-called failures serve us well when they teach us valuable information.

How to Start a New Discipline

How to Start a New Discipline

The joy that comes from this small achievement will start the miracle process. The early inspiration that comes from the practice of new and simple disciplines will start a process called “soaring self-worth.”

15 of Jim Rohn’s Most Motivational Quotes

For more than 40 years, Jim Rohn honed his craft like a skilled artist, helping people all over the world sculpt life strategies that expanded their imagination of what is possible.

Why Attitude Matters

Jim Rohn, the personal development icon of the past, believed your attitude was a pillar of your future success.