Online Adventures

1. Sell practically anything online. From food, used clothes and antique knick

Love Language

You’ve heard the bad news: Almost 50 percent of marriages in the United States end in divorce. But there is good news. Success in marriage, as in the rest of life, has little to do with statistics about what’s going on out there and everything to do with what’s going on in your life and […]

Priority 1: Stop the Chaos. Priority 2: Live with Purpose.

I’m a serious student of time management. I was hooked the first time I attended a Franklin-Covey seminar—I was 23. Using a system that included life planning (not just a calendar), I was able to get more done without feeling so scattered. But since then, “more” has turned into a lot more. And it’s not […]

Jim Rohn: The Passing of a Personal-Development Legend

The Passing of a Legend Jim Rohn spoke to more than 6,000 audiences during his lifetime, personally teaching millions of people the fundamentals of success. Rohn emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for personal growth, and he taught people why and how to reach for a bigger, better, more vital life. He stressed the importance […]

Success From the Ground Up

Suze Orman is one of the world’s most influential people, according to Time magazine, and the top female motivational speaker in the United States, according to BusinessWeek. She has won two Emmy Awards for her TV talk show and five Gracie Awards for her work in television and radio. She’s written seven consecutive best-selling books […]