Your March Action Plan: 10 Ways to Really Experience This Crazy, Beautiful Life

UPDATED: May 23, 2024
PUBLISHED: March 12, 2018

Your Action Plan is a monthly to-do list of tips straight from SUCCESS magazine—10 things you can do right now to improve yourself and your life.

This month, we’re highlighting the potential for growth along each curve in your individual journey to success. 

1. Be a student.

Set aside a part of the day to learn something new. You can’t maintain any level of success without continuing to study the world and challenge your beliefs.

Read: 22 Ways to Become a Relentless Learner

2. Mend a relationship.

Are you avoiding someone with whom you have a rocky relationship? That’s only natural, but be on the lookout for opportunities when you can extend an olive branch. 

Read: The Value of Friendship

3. Leave a tip.

Make sure to fairly tip those in the service industry. Failing to acknowledge tasks performed on your behalf is a bad habit and a slippery slope. 

Read: Memoirs of a Pizza Boy

4. Shake it off.

Life is sometimes out of our control. The only thing you can control is the extent to which it affects you. Think of something that’s been bothering you and pick today to move on from it.

Read: 7 Solutions for the Control Freak

5. Forgive.

The hardest person to forgive is yourself. Let yourself off the hook for one thing today. You want to avoid mistakes, but most of all, you want to avoid being paralyzed by them.

Read: Learn to Forgive Yourself by Asking These 4 Questions

6. Ease up. 

Give someone a break today. Don’t demand perfection from those around you. Maybe tomorrow you’ll realize they were on the right track all along. 

Read: 9 Reasons Perfectionism Is a Bad Thing

7. Have faith.

Trust your instincts and do something you’ve been hesitating over. No one is always right, but if you don’t trust yourself now, you’re likely to regret it later. 

Read: The Power of Creating Meaningful Moments

8. Ask a professional.

Google is great, but don’t be afraid to seek out the advice of an expert when it comes to something that’s important to you. If you have a health concern, visit a medical professional. 

Read: How to Know If You’re Healthy Enough

9. Travel.

Pick somewhere you’ve never been to and plan your next trip. It can be difficult to seek out inspiration in the same old places. 

Read: Why Traveling the World Is the Best Investment in Yourself​

10. Teach what you learn.

Have you learned something useful or interesting this week? Pass that knowledge on to someone else. Sharing information is the best way to remember it.

Read: How to Excel as a Mentor or Mentee​


This article originally appeared in the March 2018 issue of SUCCESS magazine.

Jonny Auping is a freelance writer based in Dallas.