Why Arka Packaging is the Go-to Brand for Demand-based Replenishment


PUBLISHED: October 12, 2022
Why Arka Packaging is the Go-to Brand for Demand-based Replenishment

Finding a packaging firm that provides creativity and practicability at affordable rates is the goal of any company. There are many crucial factors to consider when selecting a packaging and supply firm. There are numerous reasons this is important, but the focus is on using effective product placement to ensure people notice your product and buy it.

Additionally, think about eco-friendly and biodegradable packaging. According to studies, 67% of Americans consider packaging composed of paper and boards more appealing than packaging made of other materials. This is more of a trendy choice than one based on environmental responsibility. Fortunately, Arka Packaging, is changing the narrative.

Arka Packaging is a brand experience company with over a decade in the packaging industry. Arka was established by Phillip Akhzar, a serial entrepreneur, Y Combinator alum and sustainability and supply chain expert. Phillip is also an environmentalist and sustainability champion with over 10 years of experience in the marketing and packaging industry. 

Arka stands out with its eco-friendly custom packaging at the best prices, low minimums, quick turnarounds, and is  able to consider the amount of packaging on a warehouse floor. Arka is FSC certified and its products are made with a combination of FSC virgin fiber, and/or recycled materials with controlled virgin fiber. ​​They offer sustainable and creative ways to optimize your packaging for eCommerce, helping you save on material and shipping costs. 

Together, with a team of other experts, Phillip is giving notable packaging brands a run for their money. Arka is an end-to-end sustainable operation, from the materials they offer to how they print and ship to how they source energy and water in all their facilities. Everything is locally sourced, and made in the USA.

Phillip has also partnered with over 40 platforms, logistics and agencies. This includes a dedicated customer service rep to every account to help answer questions and updates. He believes in the power of networking and continuous innovation to help customers thrive.

“We’ve worked with over 2,000 entrepreneurs, small businesses and makers of all sizes to understand what matters most to their unboxing experience: low minimums, premium materials, quick turnaround, self-service tools and the flexibility to scale orders,” according to the Arka Website.

Phillip faced numerous challenges during COVID pandemic. The pandemic came close to crippling the business community, particularly in the supply chain, which was severely impacted. Getting suppliers and goods to customers was especially difficult.

Fortunately, Phillip and his suppliers have a strong working connection, which enabled him to survive the pandemic. He now advises others never to give up on their dreams but keep putting in the hard work and, if possible, network with like-minded individuals who share similar or bigger dreams.

The Arka team is constantly learning and improving its expertise in the packaging space. Also, Phillip has engineered a client-focused program where they regularly educate their clients on industry trends. This information is widely circulated on the Arka website blog and also via webinars and virtual workshops. The mission is to be a trendsetter in the industry to help consumers accomplish their desired packaging.

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