Reading List: Simplify

UPDATED: September 11, 2016
PUBLISHED: September 11, 2016

The prescription Richard Koch delivers in his latest treatise, one of the “73 Best Books Entrepreneurs Should Read in 2016,” according to ZenFive Newsletter, boils down to two tactics.

The first, “price simplifying,” means ease of manufacture, minimal product variety and the widest sales distribution possible. For example, at the beginning, McDonald’s shrank the traditional diner menu to nine items, eliminated waitstaff and coopted customers into clearing their own tables. Henry Ford and IKEA are among the price simplifiers, too.

Koch’s second principle, “proposition simplifying,” has three components: A product should be intuitive, useful and beautiful. The master was Steve Jobs, who famously simplified Apple products by removing controls, leaving out software features and discarding interface options. Other companies that have used this principle include Uber and Google. Simplify is a practical book that can help entrepreneurs improve their business.

Related: 3 Pieces of Advice for First-Time Entrepreneurs

By Richard Koch and Greg Lockwood
October; Entrepreneur Press; $25


This article originally appeared in the October 2016 issue of SUCCESS magazine.


Chauncey Mabe is a freelance writer, book critic, and blogger in Miami, Fla. For 23 years he served as Book Editor and Senior Entertainment Writer at the Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale. He was Book Blogger for the Florida Center for the Literary Arts, the parent organization of Miami Book Fair International, from 2009 to 2012. He also blogs for the Betsy Hotel South Beach hotel, which sponsors literary events year round. His reviews and feature stories have appeared in publications such as the Toronto Globe & Mail, the Serving House Journal, Inspicio, the Palm Beach Arts Paper, the Baltimore Sun, the Juneau Empire, and the Chicago Tribune.