Capitalism Created the Climate Crisis and Capitalism Will Solve It
ISBN 9781394201556

Capitalism Created the Climate Crisis and Capitalism Will Solve It

By Kentaro Kawamori

Creative and practical free-market solutions to climate change

In Capitalism Created the Climate Crisis and Capitalism Will Solve It: The Market Forces Catalyzing a Climate Technology Renaissance, distinguished author Kentaro Kawamori delivers a fascinating and timely exploration of the interplay between capitalism and climate change. He explains how the capitalist system helped to contribute to the current crisis of global warming and how that same system will help to end it.

In the book, the author discusses the enormous impact of the climate crisis and how the government, the modern finance industry, the fossil fuel industry, and others combined to accelerate the warming of the world. He then considers the roles those same players will play to reverse this effect in the coming years.

You’ll also find:

  • Discussions of how climate tech innovations will transform the economy and how technology disruptors will become involved in the process
  • The ways the energy industry will change to incorporate the realities and consequences of a warming climate
  • Explorations of the incentives created by free market structures and how to include climate stakeholders in the discussion

An engaging and exciting new resource for anyone interested in the intersection of economics, business, and the environment, Capitalism Created the Climate Crisis and Capitalism Will Solve It contains practical and thoughtful climate prescriptions for a world desperately in need of them.


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