Great Employees Have These 3 Things

man displaying traits of a good employee

J. Lennox Scott, Chairman and CEO of John L. Scott Real Estate, grew his business when he challenged agents to develop these traits of great employees.

Your Idea Didn’t Fail—You Just Got Feedback

Your Idea Didn’t Fail—You Just Got Feedback

There comes a time when even the most successful leaders have a strategy that fails. But how do you pick not just yourself back up, but your team that looks to you for answers, support and stability?

3 Ways to Start Living Your Dreams Today

3 Ways to Start Living Your Dreams Today

We’ve all heard the big stories about people who have founded groundbreaking companies outside of their day jobs. But what do all of these success stories have in common?

3 Strategies to Help You Pivot Gracefully

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly every industry in the world. As many of us seek to realign ourselves and our businesses, being able to pivot with grace is crucial.