Legends: Jack Canfield

Rejected by more than 130 publishers, Chicken Soup for the Soul became a worldwide sensation only because of persistence. When others might have given up, Chicken Soup creator Jack Canfield pushed on—just as he advises others to do. “People told Elvis he couldn’t sing. People said the Beatles were no good,” he says. Chicken Soup […]

Call Him Coach

Mike Repole works smart and hard. “No matter how smart you are, the harder you wo

Man with a Plan: Dave Ramsey

(Watch Dave Ramsey and Neil Cavuto discuss money and SUCCESS here.) Author-radio host Dave Ramsey dispenses advice on personal finance with the fervor of a country preacher and the common sense of Ann Landers. He colorfully pounds home his core mandate— eliminate debt—with a tried-and-true, step-by-step program to achieve fiscal fitness. His message hasn’t changed, […]

2008 SUCCESS Achiever of the Year: T. Boone Pickens

In a half-century of business, T. Boone Pickens has gone full steam ahead in seeing and seizing opportunities, working hard, thinking innovatively and taking calculated risks. His fortunes have been down at times, and his key to bouncing back has involved building on what he learns from every experience. The Texas billionaire could choose to […]

Boom and Bust

At 80, billionaire T. Boone Pickens could choose to
bask in his successes