How to Deal With Unexpected Change

woman at home thinking about dealing with changes

Are you feeling rattled by the sudden shift in your routine? Here’s how to confront and deal with change, whether it’s expected or not.

These 5 Attributes Comprise True Influence

These 5 Attributes Comprise True Influence

No matter how you define “executive presence,” if you want to develop greater influence and in turn, greater personal and professional success, consider mastering the following key attributes.

How to Use Your Influence as a Leader

How to Exercise Your Influence Effectively

Power can be a tool or a weapon of influence, depending on the person holding it. As a leader, make sure you’re using it to build people up rather than tear them down.

4 Ways to Build Grit When You Need It Most

build grit

Your internal drive to dig deep and overcome challenges will prove your biggest asset in times of uncertainty. Grit builds resilience—especially when you need a reason to keep going.