7 Motivational Quotes to Help You Face Your Fears (Because Worry Never Fixes Anything)

Fear is something that lurks in the shadows of our minds, a “monster” that haunts us, a “spell” that paralyzes us.
Tim Ferriss on Being World Class

He is best known as the man behind The 4-Hour Workweek, but there’s more to Tim Ferriss than his writings. Ferriss is a passionate thrill-seeker who loves life and dives headfirst into every opportunity for growth and change. In his interview with SUCCESS, Ferriss explains what excites him each day and what you can learn from his journey to success.
Dan McLaughlin on Deliberate Practice

Ever wonder what makes professional athletes, musicians and artists so great in their fields? Dan McLaughlin was curious whether time and dedicated practice was indeed all it took, so he decided to test the theory of 10,000-hours-to-expertise for himself, quitting his day job to chase a PGA Tour dream. Former SUCCESS Publisher Darren Hardy sat down with McLaughlin to hear his story and see how those 10,000 hours of golf are coming along.
Mark Cuban on Living Successfully

“I never stop learning, because your bank accounts are a reflection of what happened before—not a reflection of what’s happening now.” Those words from dynamic billionaire Mark Cuban encapsulate his interview with former publisher of SUCCESS magazine Darren Hardy. From the set of Shark Tank, Cuban talks about his successes and failures, and how he has managed to make his dreams a reality.
Chris Hogan on Want vs. Need

Retirement isn’t about how old you are, but it is about a number. That is a personal motto and the key advice from financial expert Chris Hogan in his book Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age, It’s a Financial Number. Listen as Hogan talks numbers and digs out the answers to your toughest financial questions.
Have You Ever Met a Successful Pessimist?

Optimism and pessimism are attitudes—attitudes that shape and formulate our entire existence. Because, think about it, have you ever met a happy pessimist? In short, our optimism or pessimism is… … the way we interpret the past.… the way we experience and view the present.… the way we imagine the future. And there are stark […]
Coach Dale Brown on Coaching the Underdog

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, you have to go with others,” says retired Louisiana State University basketball coach Dale Brown, a Hall-of-Famer who devoted himself to players’ off-the-court needs first. The renowned speaker shares his philosophies with former SUCCESS magazine Publisher Darren Hardy in this one-on-one matchup.
John C. Maxwell on Seeking Seasonal Coaches

SUCCESS Ambassador John C. Maxwell joins former SUCCESS magazine publisher Darren Hardy on this episode of SUCCESS Talks to discuss the numerous reasons why having a great coach in your life, or anyone who adds value to you, can be a game changer. Maxwell encourages you to ask yourself, How hungry am I? and to find a coach to help you build on that hunger in all areas of your life.
3 Things I Learned from Playing Beer League Soccer

I spent my entire childhood playing soccer—from backyard shenanigans to rec leagues to my high school team. I played one season of coed intramural my freshman year of college, but between my full class load and part-time job, my busy schedule forced me to hang up my cleats and retire. But as soon as I […]
John Addison on Leading Through the Tough Times

There is no color-by-numbers guide to leadership. It’s an art and a science, a discipline you must grow into and learn from the masters. This episode we introduce one such master: John Addison. Formerly the co-CEO of Primerica, now SUCCESS magazine leadership editor, this Georgia boy worked his way up the rungs of the multibillion-dollar financial services company and established himself as one of the greats.
Clark Stuart on Adapting to Your Audience

Leadership isn’t about a single individual in a starring role. Leadership is about a team reaching its potential. Clark Stuart, a retired Navy SEAL, brings a unique perspective to the idea of leadership—one he learned while training as a SEAL and while training others. In his discussion with former SUCCESS magazine Publisher Darren Hardy, Stuart reveals what it takes to dodge a bullet and lead a team that cannot afford mistakes.
Jeremy Piven on His Definition of Success

Jeremy Piven is not an entrepreneur, but he plays one on TV. Thanks to his title role on the Brit hit Mr Selfridge and his turn as the infamous Ari Gold of Entourage, Piven has learned the do’s and don’ts of boldly pursuing success. He shares those lessons in this discussion with former Editor-in-Chief Susan Kane.