22 Self-Improvement Gift Ideas for Personal Development Junkies

Looking for gifts for the personal development junkies on your list? Then we’ve got you covered with our 22 best self-improvement gifts of 2023.
41 Ways to Improve Yourself in Just 10 Minutes

You don’t need to overhaul your life to grow each day. Check out these ideas for how to improve yourself—all of which take 10 minutes or less.
How 30 Days of Kindness Made Me a Better Person

Research shows that we’re happier when we’re generous. Here’s what happened when one writer performed acts of kindness for 30 days.
Discovering the Changing Meaning of Empowerment

Empowerment is bigger than what you once thought it was? It’s shown in different ways for each person and situation—but it’s felt and seen.
Want to Boost Your Creativity? Try These 12 Easy Hacks This Year

Want to become a more creative thinker? Try these tips to boost your creativity, imagine new ways to solve problems, and think of new ideas.
Finding a Voice in the Future of Work

There’s space for everyone in the future of work, and that feels like anything but harmful.
22 Ways to Practice Stillness Within Your Mind, Spirit and Body

Stillness is the art of finding inner peace. It sounds beautiful and wildly difficult, but with practice, patience and dedication, you can reap the benefits.
The Secret to Happiness… Is Just Love

Over 80 years, four directors, 724 participants, countless staff members and tens of thousands of documents later, study researchers concluded this as the secret…
From the Editor: Discovering the Power of Money

I think money is neutral—an inanimate object like any other. But with it, you can open doors for people who may not have access to their own set of keys yet.
What Happened When I Ditched Technology for 7 Days

Day one is long—I mean really long. When I’m not feigning interest in a novel, I’m meandering around my apartment.
The Side Hustler’s Handbook

13 Laws to Follow When Breaking All the Rules of a Traditional Career Path
Done Is Better Than Perfect and Other Lessons I’m Learning About Procrastination

What I’m learning (and learning, and learning), is that creativity doesn’t strike; it flows. And it flows as a result of action and purposeful effort.