rich & REGULAR
with Julien & Kiersten Saunders
Not rich and famous. rich & REGULAR. Sure, it would be great to be famous. But there’s a lot you can do on your income if you’re smart about it. Money experts Kiersten and Julien Saunders give out the tips and tricks but also dive deeper into the concepts behind wise money management.
In the Details
with Karen Allen
Keynote speaker Karen M. Allen is interested in the little things. What’s the small routine change that unlocks big gains? What’s the minor mindset shift that causes a major change in lifestyle? Karen dives into the lives of successful people to explore what little things have made the difference for them.
SUCCESS Movie Rewind
Brilliant Thoughts
with Tristan Ahumada
Brilliant Thoughts is about people. It’s about how relationships shape careers. It’s about how influence shapes industries. It’s about how at the end of the day, ones and zeroes on spreadsheets represent real humans and no one is going to find success without keeping that top of mind.