The SUCCESS® Bestsellers list reflects the most successful and widely read books in the United States, specifically curated for our discerning readership. This list is compiled from unit sales data, provided confidentially by a diverse range of vendors that cater to a broad spectrum of interests and demographics across the nation.
Data collection and sources: We gather actual sales figures from hundreds of thousands of titles. Our panel of reporting retailers is extensive, capturing the essence of sales in stores of varying sizes and demographics, including online and multimedia entertainment retailers, independent bookstores, national and regional chains, supermarkets, university stores, gift shops and department stores.
Inclusivity in formats: Our rankings are comprehensive, embracing the dynamic nature of book publishing. We include sales of print books and e-books. E-books sales are sourced from leading online vendors and are incorporated into our combined fiction, nonfiction and other specific lists. We acknowledge titles in both print and electronic formats, as well as those available in a single format.
Standards of reporting: The presence of a book on our list signifies that it has met established industry standards and its sales data has been provided to SUCCESS®. We ensure the confidentiality of all sales data, which is protected by non-disclosure agreements with our vendors.
Criteria for sales: Sales are defined as completed transactions by vendors and end users from the official publication date onward. We exercise discretion in including institutional, group or bulk purchases, employing proprietary vetting and audit protocols. Notably, such bulk purchases, when included, are marked for transparency.
Vendor compliance and verification: To maintain the integrity of our list, vendors of ranked titles are required to comply with our requirements for sales examination and independent corroboration for the reported week. The sales figures are statistically weighted to represent all selling outlets proportionally across the nation.
Exclusions: Currently, we do not track categories like perennial sellers, classroom readings, textbooks, reference and test preparation guides, single vendor exclusive e-books, journals, workbooks and similar genres.
Commitment to readers: The mission of the SUCCESS® Bestsellers list is to provide a reliable and insightful weekly snapshot of what is popular and resonating with readers across the country, irrespective of genre or format.
For book retailers interested in contributing to the SUCCESS® Bestsellers list, or for any inquiries regarding our methodology, please contact us at [email protected].
We are dedicated to being your guide to the books that shape, influence and enhance the journey to success.