Commonality allows you to get personal, in a respectful way, so you can find out what makes people tick.
One of the best ways to connect with your team is to play a game called commonality. Commonality is finding out what each person has in common with those they work with. For example, whenever you are connecting with a new team member, don’t just introduce them for the skills they have, but find out what they enjoy in their free time.
Once you build commonality and learn what you have in common, people lower their defenses and really connect with one another. So really, commonality creates a sense of belonging. It allows you to find out what you have in common and creates a psychologically safe environment where people can be their complete, authentic selves.
So next time you’re thinking to yourself, You know what? I don’t want people at work to know that I do this or I’m into that, don’t! Put it all on the table, because it humanizes both the workplace and the experience.
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