TED Talks: ‘8 Secrets of Success’


Richard St. John, marketer and success analyst, has dedicated several years to researching the nuts and bolts of achievement. It all started with one big question: What leads to success? It came from a neighboring passenger during a flight to a TED conference, and at the time he didn’t have a good answer. Related: 12 […]

TEDx Talks: ‘The Power of Vulnerability’


Brené Brown, a social worker who studies human connection, set a one-year goal to outsmart vulnerability. For 365 days, she would deconstruct shame and learn to fight back against the feelings that make people feel painfully exposed. Her year of research eventually turned into six, but even with a theory of how it all works, […]

TED Talks: ‘John Wooden: The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding’

win or succeed

Coach John Wooden, the legendary UCLA coach who led his teams to numerous championships and double-digit winning streaks, began learning the rules of success at an early age. His father taught him that it was better to be the best person he possibly could rather than strive to be better than everyone else. In this […]

TED Talks: ‘Tony Robbins: Why We Do What We Do’

tony robbins

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cpc-t-Uwv1I Tony Robbins has gotten a lot of phone calls over the years. When people call seeking his help, the reasons can range from the stress of professional sports to defeating the inner dialogue that feeds suicidal thoughts. Robbins says in order to help people, he has to have an understanding of human needs—and what […]

TEDx Talks: ‘The 3 A’s of Awesome’

3 aos of awesome

For Neil Pasricha, creator of 1000AwesomeThings.com the “3 A’s of Awesome” was, a good attitude, a great level of awareness and an authentic personality