If You Were Dying… Would Gratitude Be Your First Thought?

When Joan Zawoiski Lewis found out she was dying from pancreatic cancer, the grandmother from Pringle, Pennsylvania, told family and friends: “Don’t make a fuss. Just do something nice for somebody else. Then tell me about it.”
Why You Should Start a Business Now, Even in This Economy

You have probably given more than a passing thought to being your own boss. As the economy sputters to life again—with more resources, funding options and government incentives—there’s never been a better time.
These Are Nicole Lapin’s 6 Money Tips for Living Your Richest Life

Money expert Nicole Lapin gets personal about finance and suggests steps for living the life you want.
52+ Ways to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Learn something new, take a chance or do something risky.
13 Simple Steps to Land the Job You Want

How to become your own recruiter and ace your next job interview
33 Ways to Feed Your Soul

Try one of these tips to boost your mood and happiness.
They Say to Reach for the Moon. So Once You Reach It, What’s Next?

When you accomplish a huge goal and the initial buzz is over, you’re wondering, ‘Now what?’ right? Here’s how to cope with the letdown that follows.
The Little Team That Could

It was the big day, the opening of the championship round of the international FIRST Robotics Competition, and Carolina Menjivar was so nervous that she’d had trouble eating for two days. “It was my first time flying in an airplane or even going out of state, so naturally I was sweating bullets even before I […]
7 Women Who Rock

Get a new job. Land a promotion. What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg posed that query in her best-seller Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead. Hundreds of thousands of women worldwide have looked inside themselves so they can identify and overcome barriers, according to […]
Desperate Measures Inspired This Mom to Live ‘Life by the Cup’

Zhena Muzyka sized up the bleak situation: Here she was, a 25-year-old single mom whose baby needed lifesaving surgery for a kidney defect. She punched numbers into the ATM but it wouldn’t dispense cash. “I had under $10,” she recalls. What would she do? The answer—years later—would prompt Leverage Management to buy rights to her […]
Listen Up, It’s the National Day of Listening

It’s the day after Thanksgiving—Black Friday as well as the National Day of Listening. The latter encourages us to take a little time to sit with Mom, Grandma, a friend or the butcher who works at the deli down the street to record a meaningful conversation. Chances are you’re with someone you rarely see this […]
Main Street Favorites: Swinging Shut His Café Doors after 24 Years

Brad’s Swingside Caféis a 24-year-old cozy Italian restaurant near my home in Seattle that makes it feel like you’re eating at a friend’s house. Lending to the homey feel, at closing time, owner and chef Brad Inserra lets his dogs, Lucky and Finn McGinty, saunter into the tiny restaurant adjacent to his home. The wood-paneled […]