Looking Good, Feeling Unstoppable: Skin Pharm’s Maegan Griffin on Finding the Confidence to Get Started

Making people feel beautiful for a living isn’t just about fixing their skin. It’s about helping them find out what they want to look like, but also who they want to be. Nurse practitioner Maegan Griffin founded cosmetic dermatology practice Skin Pharm in Nashville, Tennessee, in 2017. Her blend of empathetic customer service and social […]
Fill Up Your Love Bank, No Matter Your Budget: The Budgetnista Tiffany Aliche on Achieving Financial Wholeness

If just reading “financial” in the headline made you want to skip this article, we promise you’ll feel much better about that word and its role in your life by the end. Tiffany Aliche has always been more comfortable than most around money talk. Her dad was a CFO and accountant, and he passed his […]
Losing Control, Finding Peace: Heidi Powell on Discovering True Strength Through Letting Go

Trigger warning: This post references eating disorders. If your method of taking control is pressing on the accelerator, it’s time to give yourself a break. Heidi Powell became famous as a personal trainer on the reality show Extreme Weight Loss, opposite her then-husband Chris Powell. But it took facing her own exercise- and food-related issues, […]
Using Your Enneagram Type to Embrace Your Strengths and Understand Your Struggles

When you’re trying to untangle the complicated mystery of your own personality, it helps to have a guide. Sarajane Case has always been fascinated by why people behave the way that we do, and how we can make better choices. When she discovered the Enneagram, it felt like the key to getting as close to […]
How Suzy Batiz Found Perspective at Rock Bottom (and How You Can Too)

‘Really for the past 18 years, I would bet you probably won’t find many people on the planet that have done more for internal personal development than I have,” she says. “It’s really been my full-time job: I happen to be an entrepreneur on the side.’
Using Your Platform for a Purpose: How to Become an Influencer Worth Following

However big (or small) your platform is, you’ll get so much more out of it if you use it to do good in the world. Sadie Robertson Huff became an accidental influencer before the term was even in common use. Between 2012 and 2017, she starred in her family’s reality show Duck Dynasty, about their […]
Daring to Dream: Finding the Courage to Follow Your Own Path

Balancing your parents’ plans for your life with your own dreams can be hard—often something the children of immigrants know well. Parents who move across the world want to give their children a more secure life than they had. Which is honorable—but doesn’t necessarily allow for the kind of risk that comes with bold goals. […]
A Helping Hand: How High-Fives With Your Reflection Can Teach You Self-Compassion

Changing your outlook on life doesn’t have to be complicated. It can start with a simple habit—one that steers you away from stress and toward optimism. Mel Robbins has that habit for you, and she knows it might sound weird. In her best-selling self-published second book, The 5 Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and […]
What It Really Means to Be Your Best Self: 3 Tips for Finding Positive Direction

Kristen Glosserman says the path to happiness is built on good decisions, how to know whether a problem is worth your attention and why staying in your lane keeps you on track to happiness.
Change Is Growth: 3 Tips for Embracing New Opportunities

In this episode of SUCCESS Stories, Kindra and Madison talk about being open to learning life lessons in unexpected places, welcoming opportunities and how storytelling can change your life.
Burn It All Down: 4 Tips for Drastically Improving Every Area of Your Life

In this episode of SUCCESS Stories, Kindra Hall talks to Lindsay about finding your purpose, pushing through the discomfort, and why balance doesn’t exist—and why that’s OK when you’re changing your life.
How to Work Less and Live More: 3 Tips for Building a 4-Day Workweek

On this episode of SUCCESS Stories, Joe tells Chief Storytelling Officer Kindra Hall what Henry Ford has to do with our concept of working hours, why more time off means improved productivity, and why boundaries are important for protecting your schedule.