Deepak Chopra: A Life of Fullfillment

On his 14th birthday, Deepak Chopra’s father made a small, yet purposeful gesture: He gave his son some novels by Sinclair Lewis and W. Somerset Maugham as a birthday gift. Chopra’s father was a doctor in their native India, and he wanted his son to become a doctor, too. Chopra dreamed of becoming a writer. […]
Wondering How to Give Well? Hint: Until It Helps

Giving promotes forward movement, enabling a person or organization to make progress toward a goal, a final product or service, or a destination, which results in greater productivity for a team.
Hugh Jackman: The Wolverine Makes Nice

I first met Hugh Jackman in 2006. I flew to Los Angeles to interview him on his physical preparations for X-Men 3: The Last Stand. Getting to him was half the fun: He was in the middle of filming The Prestige, the underrated Christopher Nolan magician film, and one thing Nolan is known for other […]
Stuff My Dad Says

Next time you want to ignore parental advice, remember
Nick Cannon was great. Until he wasn’t.
Over the past 10 years, Cannon has achieNick Cannon’s Health Scare
Ties that Bind

“If you don’t trust the pilot, don’t go, you know?” And then Denzel Was
From Goofy to Great

When people talk about the 1997 film
Denis Leary Is the Real Deal
Here's the thing, and it’s impossible to get around: Some people may not like Denis L
The Rainmaker

An interesting phenomenon exists in the world of celebrity. In general the industry produces TV
ScarJo on Simple Joys

It’s fun to listen to because wistfulness creeps into her voice as she pulls from a pleas
No Apology Necessary

No doubt you’ve heard this one: “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to
SNL’s Kristen Wiig Breakthrough from Shyness to Stardom

Kristen Wiig is shy. No, really.
Obviously, the woman is talented and funny, and one o