I Tested ChatGPT in My Business for 30 Days—Here’s What Worked Well (and What Didn’t)

I tested AI in my coaching business for 30 days. Here’s what I learned about how to use ChatGPT for business—pros and cons included.
My Business Took Off When I Quit Drinking

I knew cutting alcohol could help my health, but what I didn’t expect were the extensive business benefits of quitting drinking.
How to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Learning how to develop a growth mindset can speed you toward success, and experimentation can help you uncover the best growth strategies.
25 Self-Help Books You (Probably) Haven’t Read

These are the best self-improvement books you need to read after reading the classics. After all, success is correlated to how much you read.
12 Efficiency Secrets of the World’s Busiest People

Is “having it all” inseparable from chaos? Yes, but no. Some disarray is built into the pursuit, but you can take back control. Here are 12 efficiency secrets for busy people like you
How I Learned to Work Less But Do More

Peering through a small crack in the nearly impenetrable chain mail of my Google Calendar, I saw on the other side my subconscious, screaming that there must be a better way to live.
The Ultimate Guide to Bulletproof Habits

I’ve methodically and with intent studied the most successful people, both living and passed, and here is the common thread in their achievement: They consistently made their beds, metaphorically speaking.
You Will Survive: 8 Strategies to Overcome New Entrepreneur Anxiety

No. 4: Lower your expectations.
How to Launch (and Maintain) a Successful E-Commerce Business

Today my e-commerce business lets me work roughly 32 hours a week, with Fridays off in the summer. The freedom to live life my own way is priceless.
The Art of Problem-Solving: 4 Creative Strategies to Tackle Your Biggest Obstacles

It’s tempting to throw up your hands, but when you cultivate a growth mindset you can learn to love your problems. If knowledge is power, then these 4 creative problem-solving strategies will help you unlock your hidden strength.
How to Become a Certified Coach

Coaches have the honor of getting to know their clients at the deepest levels. They ask you questions your friends and family never would. They keep asking until they hit the bedrock of your soul.
How I Learned to Love Selling (and How You Can Too)

We’re bombarded by ads on TV and in bathroom stalls, so when we’re asked to hock our own wares, our subconscious tells us we’re pestering.