Hit King

Good has never been good enough for David Foster. He wants to be great. Which has worked out

Leading for Change

AMERICANS have suffered many losses in recent years—jobs, homes, life savings,

13 Ways to Create a Fit Family

One in three kids is overweight or obese, according to The New England Journal of Medicine, and an increasing number of children are showing early warning signs of heart disease. Fast-food meals and sedentary lifestyles of watching TV and playing computer games are adding to the problem. The key for parents is to “live a […]

Sweet Success

When friends and family heard former investment banker Candace Nelson had lost her job

Going Against the Tide

The world is rich with examples of originality. Original means independent and creative in thought and action. Nowadays, we call it thinking outside the box, a phrase supposedly derived from a puzzle created by an early 20th-century British mathematician. Whatever you call it, it very often means going against the tide, which may not be […]

Family Batters

Some people can’t suffer through a holiday meal with their family. But for sisters Sophie