Money or Health?

Despite their complaints that a controversial program was “coercive,” people faced with paying up to 20 percent more for health insurance chose to exercise instead. In other words, when money talked, they walked. Researchers with the University of Michigan Health System and Stanford University evaluated the people insured by Blue Care Network who were enrolled […]

Let’s Hear It for the Left Hand!

In commemoration of International Left Handers Day on Aug. 13, we’d like to give a big hand to southpaws, and to left hands in general. Consider that the ranks of lefthanders include such luminaries as Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Jimi Hendrix, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Napoleon, several presidents, and all 351 residents of Left Hand, W.Va. […]

The Art of the Nap

“Nature had not intended mankind to work from 8 in the morning until midnight without that refreshment of blessed oblivion which, even if it only lasts 20 minutes, is sufficient to renew all the vital forces.” So proclaimed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who kept a bed in the Houses of Parliament and said napping […]


You’re reading an article that took five years to write—or more than 100, if you look at it another way. Five years ago a small group of us worked long days that turned into early mornings to produce our first issue of SUCCESS. The April/May 2008 issue would re-launch the iconic brand founded more than […]

50 Greatest Entrepreneurs of All Time

The greatest entrepreneurs are those who revolutionize business, open opportunities for others and change the way we think and live. Their impact is felt for generations. The SUCCESS 50 represents America’s greatest entrepreneurs of all time.* They are self-made men and women representing a cross section of America, with innovations that opened up the West, […]

The American Dream Attained

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