How a To-Don’t List Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

How a To-Don’t List Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

If you tend to get sucked into social media when you are meant to be working on a project, or find yourself distracted from your financial plan by chasing every shiny new investment opportunity, a to-don’t list might be a helpful way to avoid the things that drain you of time and energy. 

Moving While Working Remotely

Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast and keep reading for some practical points to factor into your moving plans.

Eat Better on a Budget

If you’re anything like us, you make New Year’s resolutions like eating better and saving money with a lot of enthusiasm and follow them diligently for a couple of weeks. Then real life happens, and the resolution fades away. But eating well for less money doesn’t have to be intimidating—it can be a habit you […]

Build Better Habits to Reach Your 2022 Financial Goals

Build Better Habits to Reach Your 2022 Financial Goals

As the new year approaches, it’s tempting to think about all of the ways you’re going to overhaul your life and make this “your year.” But before you go all out changing every aspect of your life, remember that trying to focus on more than one thing at a time can waste a lot of […]

The Golden Rules of Money

The Golden Rules of Money

We all have taboos about money that make us uncomfortable discussing certain subjects, like how much we make, what we paid for our house or car, or how our investment portfolio is doing. Although the etiquette around discussing money is changing, many social cues tell us to avoid talking about the ups and downs of […]