Goldie Hawn’s Compassionate Calling

Goldie Hawn is all worked up. She’s talking about her Hawn Foundation, which helps students around the world fulfill their learning potential. “This work ignites and excites me,” Hawn says animatedly during our interview. “It is my priority.” The Oscar-winning actress revels in the role of energetic evangelist for the foundation, which she established in […]

Goldie on Goldie, the Movie Star

A few days before I interviewed Goldie Hawn, I asked my Facebook friends to name their favorite film in which she had a major role. It wasn’t easy, because she has done so much memorable work. Fittingly, reflecting Hawn’s tremendous range, my friends voted for about 10 different titles.        When I asked the Oscar-winning actress […]

Does Art Imitate Life?

So, what does Dan Rather, anchorman, think of Aaron Sorkin’s polemic drama, The Newsr

Rather Persistent

Welcome to Dan Rather’s second segment. The former CBS Evening News anchor couldn’t

An Orman Never Gives Up

When Suze Orman grew up on the rough-and-tumble South Side of Chicago, she drew strength from a


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