Rohn: How to Build Character

Character isn’t something you were born with and can’t change. It’s something you weren’t born with and must take responsibility for forming.

Rohn: Whatever the Project Is, Start Today

Rohn Whatever the Project Is Start Today

Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction—and only positive action can cause positive reaction. Related: Rohn: 4 Reasons to Take Control of Your Destiny All of that said, there are still so many people who are really sold on affirmations. There is a famous saying […]

Rohn: Read All the Books to Rise Above the Ordinary

Read All the Books

All of the books that we will ever need to make us as rich, as healthy, as happy, as powerful, as sophisticated and as successful as we want to be have already been written. Bonus: Here’s the best Jim Rohn book to start with! People from all walks of life, people with some of the […]

Rohn: Are You Moving to the Natural Rhythm of Life?

seasons of life

One of the difficulties we face in our industrialized age is that we’ve lost our sense of seasons. Unlike the farmer whose priorities change with the seasons, we have become impervious to the natural rhythm of life—and we have our priorities out of balance as a result. Related: 4 Steps to Create Balance in Your Life […]