5 Money Mistakes That Could Be Ruining Your Credit

Many people don’t know what they’ve done to deserve a low credit score. Here are five common money mistakes that could be unintentionally sabotaging your score.
Jeanne Kelly is an author, speaker and coach who helps people achieve a higher credit score and to understand credit reporting and identity theft. #HealthyCredit is her motto.
As the founder of The Kelly Group in 2000 and the author of The 90-Day Credit Challenge and The Credit Makeover, Jeanne Kelly is a nationally recognized authority on credit consulting and credit scores. She has appeared on the Today show, Fox News, The Willis Report and blogs for Huffington Post, Credit.com, MyFico.com, ESME.com and more.
Many people don’t know what they’ve done to deserve a low credit score. Here are five common money mistakes that could be unintentionally sabotaging your score.
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