3 Ways to Be More Likeable at Work

We gravitate toward people who make us feel good. If you want to be that person, follow these tips to be more likeable at work.
4 Tips to Be an Effective Complainer

Those who are willing to speak out about what’s wrong can inspire people to help seek out a better way. Here’s how to complain effectively.
How to Be a Better Thinker, Innovator and Problem Solver

If we want to future-proof our businesses, and ourselves, we need to be able to think, re-think and even un-think current processes.
How to Sell Without Being a Slimy Salesperson

Try to get away with icky sales tricks and be prepared to have your reputation exposed—and commented on, shared, and warned against.
How to Build a Team That Supports Multiple Creative Styles

Rather than thinking in terms of lateral and linear thinkers, what if we frame people’s creative style as being that of a leaper or linker?
The Jerk Advantage—Do You Have It?

Jerks stand for something better and bigger and bolder. They change things. And they don’t care if you like them.
Is Self-Help Making You Feel Worse?

Isn’t personal development or self-help meant to inspire us so that we can make our lives better? It’s supposed to motivate us, but does it? That’s a question we sometimes face in the self-improvement industry, where the difference between where we are and where we want to be looks so stark sometimes, it ends up […]
4 Stand-Up Ways to Get People’s Attention

Everybody loves a good joke, right? Sure. Until it’s not funny anymore. Even your guaranteed hit, the joke you could tell anywhere on any night and people would laugh, is not invincible forever. Unlike music, no one wants to hear your greatest hits more than once. You have to constantly write new material, while retiring […]
4 Tips for Working with People Who Couldn’t Care Less about Their Job

Gallup’s latest workplace engagement study says 20 percent of people are actively disengaged in the work they do and that at least 50 percent are not engaged whatsoever. For the less mathematically inclined, that equates to, at most, a mere 30-percent engagement. Now, many Type A personalities who define themselves through work (as most leaders […]
Why We Need Work-Life Blending, Not Balance

People seem rather fixated on the notion of work-life balance, yet it really is an old-school concept. Before the arrival of technology, our work lives and home lives were separated. We counted the time we spent in both, attempting to achieve balance much like you would on a set of scales. The problem is that […]
Dreading Your Next To-Do?

In an effort to achieve more, one of the traps we fall into is spending a greater amount of time on the things we are good at and, perhaps more importantly, the things we like. We are wired with a bias toward things that make us feel good. But in taking this approach, we can […]
Why You Need Lazy Employees

Who is the ideal employee? Someone who’s diligent, unquestioning, dedicated and hardworking, right? That’s what we in corporate behavioral research have always assumed. But what if another style of employee—one that’s a little more “lazy” in mindset—is equally valuable and essential to business survival today? How could laziness be an advantage in business? First off, […]