Why You Should Always Give the Credit and Take the Blame

When no one is concerned with who gets the credit, you can accomplish amazing things.
Do These 4 Things When You Make a Mistake

‘Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.’
Why You Can’t Live in the Past

The importance of moving past adversity
Real Success Begins Where Selfishness Ends

‘It’s amazing how much can be accomplished if no one is concerned with who gets the credit.’
The Powerful Legacy of Mentoring

Mentoring is the greatest inheritance you can give to others. It is why you get up every day—to teach and be taught.
The Qualities of a Humble Leader

Coach Wooden’s actions always reflected humility.
How Character Fuels Intentness

Adversity and power reveal character.
Why Leaders Must Be Alert

‘When success turns your head, you face failure.’
Why Leaders Must Have Self-Control

‘Your actions can determine to a great deal the actions of those under your supervision.’
The Foundation of Leadership

The foundation of our leadership skills are the blocks on the foundation of the Pyramid of Success.
The Art of Leadership

The leader does not say, ‘Get going!’ Instead, he says, ‘Let’s go!’ and leads the way.
20 Ways to Do Your Best and Be Successful

If you lead with reason and inspire your team for a noble cause, they will give their best.