Bad Times Can Make You Bitter or Better

You can let bad times make you bitter. But we prefer to believe Coach Wooden’s philosophy that facing adversity makes us stronger and better.
Happiness Is All About Perspective

Happiness is a choice and all about your perspective. Here’s how Coach Wooden chose happiness—and how he influenced others.
To Succeed Under Pressure, Focus on the Experience

Rather than focusing on winning, Coach Wooden urged his players—and himself—to do your best, valuing the experience more than the outcome.
John Wooden: Be True to Your Life-Guiding Principles

We should have a value system that will guide us to make the right decision. Doing the right thing is more important than meeting the expectations of our peers.
Why Initiative Is an Essential Leadership Trait

‘Fear may work in the short-term to get people to do something, but over the long run, I believe personal pride is a much greater motivator. It produces far better results that last for a much longer time.’
How to Maximize Achievement Without Stifling Initiative

As Coach Wooden says, “Never mistake activity for achievement.” Follow his four steps to maximize achievement without stifling initiative.
The Importance of Listening in Leadership

Being an effective leader requires being an effective listener.
Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Making Mistakes

‘If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.’
‘You Are Not a Failure Until You Start Blaming Others for Your Mistakes’

Blaming doesn’t help you. It hurts you.
Don’t Try to Be Better Than Someone Else; Try to Be the Very Best You Can Be

To worry about whether what you’re building is going to be better than what somebody else is building is to worry needlessly.
What Is Your Priority: Making a Living or Making a Life?

Do not get so concerned with making a living that you forget to make a life.
The Importance of Constant Self-Improvement

The best way to improve the team is to improve yourself.