Why Your New Year’s Resolutions Are Absolutely Failing

If you’ve already forgotten about your resolutions, you’re likely not setting the right ones. Here’s how to set goals and achieve them.
The 4 Keys to Effectively Dealing With a Bad Boss

If you’re in a difficult situation and have to deal with a bad boss, this is how to keep your cool and navigate the relationship.
How to Connect With Different Personality Types

Many people are frustrated in their relationships because they feel unheard and undervalued. So as a result, what do they do? They simply exist, and they never experience the life-giving power of true connection.
Unlocking the Power of Self-Awareness

The more you know about yourself, the better you are at adapting to change, growing steadily and positioning yourself for success.
5 Undeniable Truths About Taking (and Not Taking) Risks

Predictability is safe, and safety is comfort. But are you willing to squander your life’s potential for the sake of fleeting comfort?
Why a Safe Life Is a Mediocre Life

Taking the first step into the unknown is often the most difficult, but it is the most necessary.
Sour Thoughts: It Only Takes 5 Steps to Ruin Your Day

Thankfully, there are 3 surefire strategies to ripping destructive thoughts out of your mind before they take root and do their damage.
How to Break the Cycle of Shame in Your Life

Take deliberate action to manage your inner world.
Running Low on Motivation? Here’s How to Stay ‘Filled-Up’

Everything was on schedule. The road ahead looked free and clear of traffic, which meant I would arrive at my destination 10 minutes ahead of schedule. Perfect, I thought. All my ducks are in a row. But just 15 minutes into the trip, as I was cruising down the interstate, my gas light launched a […]