3 Tips for Making Others Feel Important

The CEO of The Validation Project knows there is magic in lifting up those around you.
Tech Tools: 7 Gadgets That’ll Make You More Efficient

Stratos Card (StratosCard.com) Many have tried to digitally reinvent the credit card wheel, but people still want something tangible to swipe when paying for goods. Stratos Card (reserve one for $95), one of a half-dozen electronic credit cards about to hit the market, stores all of your credit, debit, gift and rewards card information in […]
Tech Tools: Lead on the Go

[[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_large”,”fid”:”30801″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”height”:”350″,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”width”:”480″}}]] Double Robotics Telepresence Robot (DoubleRobotics.com) If you want to win the award for creepiest boss, invest in a telecommuting robot. This “telepresence” two-wheeled machine ($2,499) from Double Robotics is basically a roving iPad dock. Videoconference into the iPad, and the robot can roll you around the office as if you’re really there. Conduct walking meetings […]
7 Ways to Disrupt Your Career and Your Life

Not every broken system can be fixed. That’s what maverick entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg know, and that’s why instead of trying to make incremental changes to their monolithic industries, they disrupted them with groundbreaking companies like Tesla Motors and Facebook. You, too, can make your own rules, disrupt your career and life […]
Tech Tools: For Your Office, to Go

Logitech K480 Keyboard (logitech.com) Now you can respond to a text message, set a calendar alert and write an email on three separate devices—all from the same full-size keyboard. Logitech’s K480 Multi-Device Keyboard connects wirelessly to your phone, tablet and desktop at the same time. To switch between the three devices, just turn the keyboard’s […]
Tech Tools: 6 New Fitness Trackers You’ve Gotta Have

Connected Cycle (ConnectedCycle.com) Connected Cycle turns your regular bike into a smart bike without adding any cumbersome equipment. All you have to do is replace your regular pedal with the company’s GPS-enabled smart one. The aluminum-bodied pedal records your cycling stats such as speed, route, incline and calories burned. The data is then available for […]
Yes, There Is Even Wearable Tech for Your Dog

Humans are ravenous for activity data. Whether we’re tracking how many steps we’ve taken or how fast our heart is beating, we want to see our metrics and compare them to others. And once we’ve acquired all of the necessary wearable tech devices for ourselves, the only logical next step is to wire up our […]
Tech Tools: 6 Must-Haves from the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show

Panasonic Lumix DMC-CM1 (Panasonic.com) Smartphones and point-and-shoot cameras are morphing into each other more and more every day. Case in point, Panasonic’s new Lumix DMC-CM1 phone comes with a high-end Leica camera lens attached. Spin the metal ring surrounding the lens to manually adjust the camera’s aperture, shutter speed and focus as if you were […]
Tech Tools: Liebovitz, Schmiebovitz

Ricoh Theta (Theta360.com) For pure, candy-coated novelty, reach for the Ricoh Theta. This still and video camera comes with two back-to-back fisheye lenses—one on each side. Both lenses captures 180 degrees of their surroundings, and then the camera stitches the two shots together into a complete 360-degree view. It’s like a selfie in the round. […]
Tech Tools: Home Smart Home

August Smart Lock (August.com) Deadbolts are the home accessory you’re probably the most hesitant to automate. No one wants to get locked out of her home because of a faulty Internet connection, especially on the night of The Purge. However, the August Smart Lock ($250), which allows you to unlock your door via smartphone, runs on […]
Tech Tools: The Coolest Phones and Phone Doodads

Celluon Epic (Celluon.com) Years ago, pop culture predicted that the 21st century would be full of holograms and lasers. While we’ve mostly given up on holograms, we can still mesmerize ourselves with laser-diode gadgets like this one. The $150 sci-fi device connects to your phone or tablet via Bluetooth and projects a full-size virtual qwerty […]
42 Apps You Need Right Now

In this young century, has there been any more pleasant surprise than the proliferation of millions of innovate, intuitive, help-you-out-in-a-pinch apps? There’s a pocket-bound solution to every problem, it seems, but your smartphone is probably cluttered with digital applications you never use. With millions of apps available, it’s no wonder you have trouble knowing which […]