3 Tips to Carry Yourself With Confidence

UPDATED: September 10, 2024
PUBLISHED: September 10, 2015

Fear, insecurity, self-doubt and the like can be the biggest obstacles many of us face in life. To overcome that negativity, many people turn to unhealthy or compulsive behavior.

This undesirable behavior “may temporarily numb that negativity, but it won’t put you on a healthy and wholesome path,” says Darlene Hunter, a renowned speaker and author of Win-Ability: Learn How to Navigate through Life’s Challenges with a Winning Attitude. “While some people buy very expensive things to feel more confident, there’s an affordable way to yield the same result: positive thinking.”

Hunter maps a path supporting the confident lifestyle:

Do what you love.

You reap a great sense of accomplishment and joy when you chase your passion—something you will do even if you aren’t paid. Following your passion allows you to gain skills in areas in which you are already strong and will push you to become better.

Be true to yourself.

Do not set your career or life path in a certain direction based on what friends or family members want for you. It’s also important for you to think honestly about your resources, skills and abilities along with what you have and what is needed to help you move forward. Be open to suggestions and advice from others who are already doing what you’re trying to do.

Stay the course and be resilient.

As you set forth to achieve your goals and your dreams, you cannot be thin-skinned. You must be durable and strong with a determination that you will get to where you want to go.

Related: 8 Ways to Be a More Confident Person


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