My Way: 16 Things That Inspire Us Daily

UPDATED: June 10, 2017
PUBLISHED: June 10, 2017


Bruce and Leslie Gifford


Santa Monica, California


The Giffords are the founders of 360Cashmere. They founded their contemporary knitwear brand in 2009, after selling their business in 2006. Knowledge about global sourcing and fashion marketing run four generations deep in the Gifford family. Bruce and Leslie’s two children, Andrew and Alex, are also involved in the business. Andrew drove the creative vision behind their latest, edgier collection, Skull Cashmere. 360Cashmere is available in retailers and department stores across the U.S., Europe and Canada.

I never leave the house without…

B: A fast car.
L: My puppy.My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, Together

We were inspired by…

Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfillment of Your Dreams. It’s a wonderful guide on how to live your best life.

Words that drive us are…

L: “Count your blessings; don’t compare them.”
B: “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.”

—Mario Andretti

My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, TogetherWe’re Netflixing…

The Crown and House of Cards.

At least once in their lives, everyone should try…

L: Something that they’re most afraid of doing. Try it once. You might not be so scared.
B: Getting a tattoo.

We love listening to… My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, Together


Our secret weapon is…

We can’t be divided. Within our company, within our family, we will always stand strong together.

If I get disappointed…

L: I try to turn it around into something that I’m going to be successful with.

Working with your spouse is easy when…

L: You don’t take each other too seriously, and you respect each other. We have different areas of the business, and we respect that. I couldn’t do what he does, and he couldn’t do what I do.My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, Together

We find inspiration in…

Our children and travel.

My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, TogetherIt’s important to…

B: Love what you do and have passion for your business.

Having a great attitude…

L: Is the key to everything in life. Your boundaries are endless.

The best advice I’ve heard is…

B: “If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and you’ll achieve the same results.”

—Tony Robbins

We have an aha moment…

Every time we walk into our office and see that we’ve been able to actualize our dreams. This was always the business we’ve wanted to build, and we were able to do it.

We relax by…My Way: 16 Ways We Push Forward, Together

Walking on the beach.

It’s not always about passion…

B: It’s very easy to say to people, “Find your passion, and the money will follow.” But the problem is that not everybody has an identifiable passion. I think finding that passion comes from the 10,000-hour rule. You really get to be an expert at something when you’ve done it for 10,000 hours. Through expertise comes passion. When we started this business, I’m not so sure that I was passionate about importing sweaters, but now my passion lies in my expertise.

Related: My Way: 13 Things That Make My Life Beautiful


This article originally appeared in the July 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.


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