Increase Your Desire to Succeed

UPDATED: September 3, 2008
PUBLISHED: September 3, 2008

The story of any achiever is one of desire. All success, all achievement that is meaningful, and all success stories begin with desire. Desire grips people with an insatiable appetite for action. If you have sufficient desire to succeed, nothing can stop you from becoming a winner, a leader, or a high performer.

Desire is the burning internal quality that pushes you and produces a restlessness with things as they are. Desire empowers you to meet the challenges of life and compels you to fulfill a purpose larger than yourself.

These steps increase your desire to succeed:

Anticipate rewards.

Be aware of the sacrifices and the hardships involved in becoming a winner, but focus on the rewards of success. Knowing what rewards you can earn stimulates your desire and makes you work harder for them.

Learn everything you can about your goal.

Read every book and talk to every expert you can on the subject. Read magazines and the section of the newspaper with current events about people in your profession. The more you understand about your chosen profession, the greater your interest will be. The more interest you have, the greater your desire to succeed.

Observe how professionals perform.

Take advantage of every chance you have to see and hear the outstanding individuals in your area of interest, in person or on television. The more you study successful people in action, the more familiar you will become with what it takes to succeed. u Identify with an achiever. Select an achiever in your area of interest and study the progression of and reasons for that person’s success.

Constantly remind yourself of your dreams.

Kindle the flames of desire and light the fires of enthusiasm by reminding yourself daily of your dreams. Envision the summits you can reach, the rewards you can reap, and the heights of happiness you can enjoy.

Strive continually to activate, nurture, and maintain the kind of desire that will make you a winner. For successful people, intense, burning desire is a habit, a way of life, and a deliberate course of action. In any worthwhile endeavor, ultimate victory goes to the individual with the most desire!