Contact Us

How to Contact SUCCESS

Editorial Inquiries [email protected]

Subscriptions [email protected]

SUCCESS Store and Products [email protected]


Questions? We’re happy to help. Comments? We’re happy to listen.

Please take a look at our detailed Frequently Asked Questions or find quick answers below.

Contact Questions

Freelance writers may send detailed pitches to [email protected], along with clips from previously published work. Submissions specifically for should be sent to [email protected].

Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we cannot respond to every request. Story ideas or pitches should be submitted to [email protected]. Pitches specifically for should be sent to [email protected]. Please paste information in the body of the email when possible. If you must attach documents, please keep file sizes to a minimum. All submissions are read and considered.

The earlier the better. The magazine works six months in advance of each issue, but often we plan up to a year ahead for seasonal features or events.

If you wish to quote several sentences from an article for personal or educational purposes, you may do so provided that you give credit to SUCCESS magazine, the article author and for online use, provide a link to the source article.

However, you may not quote more than that without written permission from SUCCESS and in some cases, payment to the author, who is the owner of its intellectual property. Please email [email protected] with the name of the article, author and magazine issue for which you are requesting permission, and a brief description how and where you’ll use the SUCCESS material.

You may not repost entire articles to your website or newsletter without copyright permission.

If you’ve been featured in the magazine and would like reproductions, you might consider purchasing reprints. Reprint service will enable you to purchase and customize print copies of individual articles, which may be used for individual or business media kits, press release campaigns and other promotional purposes. Average quantity for print reprints is 100. To find more information or to inquire about smaller print runs, please email [email protected].

Please send books to:

SUCCESS magazine
5473 Blair Road, Suite 100
PMB 30053
Dallas, TX 75231

Due to the high volume of books we receive, we cannot respond to every request. All submissions are considered.

To have your comments considered for SUCCESS Letters to the Editor, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include “Letters” in the subject line. Letters that include your full name and city, and mention specific articles or audio interviews are more likely to be published. If we choose to run your comments, we will contact you to let you know in what month your letter will appear and to confirm your permission.

Send your request to [email protected] for a SUCCESS media kit or to get in touch with our advertising department.

We never thought you’d ask about us. You can find us on FacebookTwitterInstagramPinterest and other social media platforms.


Visit the SUCCESS Subscriptions page or call 800-570-6414

Subscription-Related Mail:
SUCCESS Magazine
P.O. Box 435
Congers, NY 10920-9723

Please contact us directly at [email protected] or call 1-800-570-6414 to inquire about missing or damaged issues. We will verify your account information and promptly send a replacement issue.

Please allow six to eight weeks for your first issue to arrive.

The digital edition is available at There, you may preview the magazine, or login to  to view the entire issue.

We are happy to assist you with your login and password for the SUCCESS digital edition. Please contact us directly at [email protected] or call (800) 570-6414 to speak to one of our subscription service representatives.

Find more detailed questions and answers at

Editorial Inquiries

Please send books to:

SUCCESS magazine
750 North St Paul St
Suite 250 PMB 30053
Dallas, TX 75201

Due to the high volume of books we receive, we cannot respond to every request. All submissions are considered.

Freelance writers may send detailed pitches to [email protected], along with clips from previously published work. Submissions specifically for should be sent to [email protected].

Due to the high volume of submissions we receive, we cannot respond to every request. Story ideas or pitches should be submitted to [email protected]. Pitches specifically for should be sent to [email protected]. Please paste information in the body of the email when possible. If you must attach documents, please keep file sizes to a minimum. All submissions are read and considered.

The earlier the better. The magazine works six months in advance of each issue, but often we plan up to a year ahead for seasonal features or events.

If you wish to quote several sentences from an article for personal or educational purposes, you may do so provided that you give credit to SUCCESS magazine, the article author and for online use, provide a link to the source article.

However, you may not quote more than that without written permission from SUCCESS and in some cases, payment to the author, who is the owner of its intellectual property. Please email [email protected] with the name of the article, author and magazine issue for which you are requesting permission, and a brief description how and where you’ll use the SUCCESS material.

You may not repost entire articles to your website or newsletter without copyright permission.

If you’ve been featured in the magazine and would like reproductions, you might consider purchasing reprints. Reprint service will enable you to purchase and customize print copies of individual articles, which may be used for individual or business media kits, press release campaigns and other promotional purposes. Average quantity for print reprints is 100. To find more information or to inquire about smaller print runs, please email [email protected].

To have your comments considered for SUCCESS Letters to the Editor, please send an email to [email protected]. Please include “Letters” in the subject line. Letters that include your full name and city, and mention specific articles or audio interviews are more likely to be published. If we choose to run your comments, we will contact you to let you know in what month your letter will appear and to confirm your permission.

Learn more about SUCCESS Magazine’s mission, history and staff at


If you need assistance with your login and password for SUCCESS Store orders and account access, please contact us directly at 1-877-243-8383 Monday-Friday 8am – 5pm (CST) or email [email protected].

You can access your downloads on your “My Account” page. If you need assistance with your login and password for SUCCESS Store orders, please contact us directly at 1-877-243-8383 Monday-Friday 8am – 5pm (CST) or email [email protected].

SUCCESS Store: [email protected]
Phone: 1-877-243-8383

The recipient of shipments outside of North America will be responsible for paying duties and taxes upon receipt. Customs policies vary among countries, so please contact your local customs office for additional information.

Customs charges are applied due to international trading standards/requirements and are not solely implemented by SUCCESS shipping polices.

Learn more about the SUCCESS Store, including detailed shipping information at