Get Paid Faster

Invoicing clients is easier than ever thanks to user-friendly software and apps. But invoicing and getting paid are two different things. If customers aren’t paying on time, maybe the problem is with your invoices. You would be shocked how often these problems can be prevented. Sometimes it’s as simple as making sure you’ve emailed or […]
Map Your Financial Future with These Planning Tips for Entrepreneurs

When it comes to financial planning, entrepreneurs face special challenges. Here’s what you need to know to plan your future.
3 Tips to Cut Startup Costs

Smart small-business owners don’t worry about the high failure rate of startups—instead, they take steps to improve their own odds. One imperative is keeping startup costs down. Are you ready to begin a new business adventure—and want to fight the odds, too? Here are some ideas for you to save a few bucks in the […]
Is Your Business Green? 3 Simple Things You Can Do

There’s so much more than recycling that your business can do to go green, it can make your head spin. Try starting with these simple ideas.
Startup Mistakes

All small business owners make mistakes—and that can be a good thing. It means we’re taking risks, and that’s how we grow our businesses. But making too many mistakes during the startup phase could land you in trouble. The key to small-business survival is to learn from your missteps and those you see other businesses […]
For Winning Results, Know Thy Enemy

Keeping an eye on what your competition is doing may seem like a full-time job, but it doesn’t have to be. With myriad tools available to help you stay abreast of your business rivals, you should never be surprised by what the scoundrels are up to. The first key to staying a step ahead is […]
Communication Revolution: Do More with Apps!

What did we do before we had apps? A lot less! Mobile-device applications let businesspeople share information, schedule events and communicate with everyone from anyplace at any time. We asked these business owners to share the apps they can’t live without: Steve Cooper, co-founder and editor in chief of Hitched (, a magazine for married […]
Location… Yeah, Still Important

Choosing a place to set up shop? Here are some things to think about before you sign on the dotted line. ➻ Tax incentives: Many cities have enterprise zones where businesses can enjoy lower taxes. Ask the local chamber of commerce or your city’s business development office whether any tax havens exist in your city or […]
Trade-Show Secrets

Is attending a trade show worth the time and money? Although marketers find it challenging to measure the return on this investment, many feel there’s no better scenario for trust-building than seeing customers and vendors face to face. If you’re looking for sources of products, potential vendors and new customers all in one place, a […]
Exercise Your Options

It's important to eat healthy, sleep well and stay productive during travel, and exercise helps you boost energy levels for those all-important presentations and meetings during business travel. Getting the blood pumping can also help you ward off the effects of jet lag. And now there are more options than ever for working out while […]
Intellectual Property: Don’t Go Wrong

We’ve all heard the horror stories about small-business owners who don’t secure their intellectual property and end up losing their companies. So here’s a brief primer, starting with terminology: ➽ Patents protect inventions. ➽ Trademarks protect a phrase, design or symbol. ➽ Copyrights protect “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic and other […]
How to Choose a Web Host

If you have a website (and you should), you’ll need a web host. Think of it this way: If your website is your business, a server is the building where you’re located, and the web host is the “landlord” who manages the building and collects the rent. The amount of space, quality of services and […]