Are Mountain Smokes the Future of Smoking?

PARTNER CONTENT BY One World Publishing

PUBLISHED: October 28, 2022
Are Mountain Smokes the Future of Smoking?

Smokers are starting to demand something better, cooler and safer than tobacco and nicotine-based cigarettes, which is driving growth in the smokable alternatives market to outpace that of tobacco cigarettes. In the last few years, we have had several smokable alternative companies enter the market, each with a different option – and one of the companies that has caught the public’s attention is Hempshire Group, the holding company of the MOUNTAIN® Smokes brand. MOUNTAIN® Smokes is a premium, sustainable organic hemp-based smoke created to give you what the manufacturer calls “the most incredible smoking experience you’ve ever had.” MOUNTAIN® Smokes look like cigarettes, are packed and rolled like cigarettes and burn and draw like  cigarettes. But they are not, repeat not, cigarettes!

MOUNTAIN® Smokes doesn’t contain any tobacco, nicotine, or any artificial chemicals or preservatives. Instead, MOUNTAIN® Smokes contains only organic full-flower hemp, organic mullein and organic sage—giving it a unique and delicious taste profile unlike any other smokable alternative out there. MOUNTAIN® Smokes has been bought and used by celebrities like Machine Gun Kelly and Megan Fox, who were both photographed smoking MOUNTAIN® Smokes during their UK GQ photoshoot!

Hempshire’s commitment to quality, experience in the field and unique ingredients sets it apart in the emerging and rapidly growing smokable alternatives market. Hempshire, a publicly traded company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Canada trading under the symbol HMPG, curates, produces and markets MOUNTAIN® Smokes worldwide. They source all their hemp from ethical organic farmers in the U.S. who make their own soil, culture their own beneficial bacteria and craft their own organic fertilizers—which ultimately helps the company produce a clean, organic, superior end-product.

Hempshire has cultivated long-lasting relationships with these farms that will extend far into the coming years to ensure a healthy and uninterrupted supply of the finest quality organic hemp flower for their products – this full-flower organic hemp, the base ingredient of MOUNTAIN® Smokes, is then blended with the finest organic mullein and organic white sage.

Combined, the three ingredients elevate the smoking experience to an entirely new level. The organic mullein helps create a more uniform and smooth-smoking experience without countering the flavor profile of the terpene-rich organic hemp in the blends, while organic sage enhances the taste of MOUNTAIN® Smokes and promotes calmness and relaxation. This is helping them win over customers who report that other hemp smokes they’ve tried just don’t compare.

MOUNTAIN® Smokes is getting a lot of attention from cigarette smokers around the world, as well as many celebrities and influencers post how much they love these smokes. The company offers a free pack of MOUNTAIN® Smokes to every first-time visitor to their website too!

What’s more, Hempshire worked directly with the Belgian government and now MOUNTAIN® Smokes has been approved to sell in Belgium. In a recent press release, Hempshire announced that they have received approval to sell MOUNTAIN® Smokes in Belgium, providing access to the entire EU through the European Union’s cross-border reciprocity, opening up one of the world’s largest markets for MOUNTAIN® Smokes.

Hempshire is led by highly experienced marketing and sales specialists. CEO Marty Marion, a credentialed Madison Avenue marketing strategist, and CMO Eric Starr, creator of the award-winning iPod Silhouettes marketing campaign, have teamed up with Amit Khubani, the executive vice president of ONTEL who oversees product sales generation of over $500 million annually, and Tom Patterson, founder and CEO of WKND Digital and recognized as one of the leading growth marketing and digital marketing strategists in ecommerce, to drive brand awareness.

According to Marty Marion, CEO of Hempshire, their goal is to provide the smokable alternatives market with a “new generation of smokes for a smarter generation of smokers.” They are committed to elevating the smoking experience by providing a wellness-oriented alternative for the 1.8 billion cigarette smokers worldwide who enjoy smoking, but who would be better off without the dangers and addictive risks of tobacco and nicotine.

MOUNTAIN® Smokes is a cool smokable alternative that contains high-quality organic hemp, mullein, and sage. And by offering everyone a free pack so they can experience this unique product for themselves, they are cultivating life-long consumers. MOUNTAIN® Smokes are available in three different flavors, including Pineapple Squeeze, Mint Squeeze and Natural flavor.

Photo by 24K-Production/Shutterstock

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