6 Books That Will Create Rewarding Change in Your Life

UPDATED: October 7, 2020
PUBLISHED: October 6, 2020

A Blessing

Women of Color Teaming Up to Lead, Empower and Thrive

By Bonita C. Stewart and Jacqueline Adams

In their research for A Blessing, Bonita C. Stewart and Jacqueline Adams couldn’t find any data contrasting different generations of working women of color. So they did their own survey.

They were able to get information from more than 4,000 people, including Boomers, Gen X-ers, millennials and the Gen Z population, including advice for fellow women of color in the workplace. The most consistent? Never give up. 

The book offers inspiration and a guide to women of color by sharing success stories and breaking down keys anyone needs to understand to have a successful career—concentration, culture, courage and character. 

While this book is geared specifically toward a particular demographic, it can also help leaders understand what challenges working women of color face, and how to help them succeed. (October; Bookclick 360 Wordeee; $18)

Radical Intuition

A Revolutionary Guide to Using Your Inner Power

By Kim Chestney

These are the final days of psychological conditioning, Kim Chestney writes. She says we’ve been taught that intellect and reason are the only viable ways to navigate reality, but now’s the time to start thinking intuitively. When we do that, we start thinking beyond the limits of our mind, and expand our ideas.

In the book, Chestney attempts to help readers understand why they should awaken their intuition and offers ways to practice. For example, she breaks down how to hone into those “epiphany” moments we all get every once in awhile. “Insight, inspiration, new ideas, and bright ideas are all the handiwork of intuition,” she writes. “These ‘sudden insights’ can hold tremendous power and guidance, if we honor them.”

From relationships to business, Chestney offers real life examples of what intuition looks like. In business, leading intuitively could be the difference between building an innovative company, and just trying to stay relevant, she says. (November; New World Library; $16)

The Practice

Shipping Creative Work

By Seth Godin

We need creativity for a lot of everyday things, like simply writing an email or memo to your staff. Tapping into your creative side, however, can be tough.

Seth Godin’s latest book is devoted to offering ways to get out of a creative rut and identifying steps to be more creative. A lot of it comes down to creating patterns and habits and sticking with them, he explains in the book. Part of what it takes to becoming more creative is simply to stop making excuses or practicing self-defeating behaviors like stalling, Godin writes.

“At the heart of the creative’s practice is trust: the difficult journey to trust in yourself, the often hidden self, the unique human each of us lives with,” he says. “See the pattern, find your practice, and you can begin to live the process of making magic. Your magic. The magic that we need right now.” (November; Portfolio; $24)

Healing Collective Trauma

A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds

By Thomas Hübl

“Everything we perceive about our world becomes distorted to the degree that we are fragmented by trauma and bound by the unresolved past,” Thomas Hübl writes. “Perception of self and others desynchronizes. Cultural perceptions twist and distort. Since that unresolved content is the past, space-time itself warps.”

Hübl dives deep into trauma. He doesn’t just offer ways to deal with it; he also explains the science of it and how it accumulates. He also cautions of what happens when we don’t address trauma.

“Whether individual or collective, our shadows cannot simply be buried and forgotten; they will haunt us until we return them to life,” Hübl writes. 

Whether you are someone who has experienced trauma or know someone who has, this book offers helpful advice, something all of us could use while living in a pandemic.  (November; Sounds True; $26)

The Path

Accelerating Your Journey to Financial Freedom

By Peter Mallouk with Tony Robbins

Financial freedom has different meanings depending on who you ask.

“Depending on where you are today, financial freedom might sound like a pipe dream or you may be right on track but don’t feel a sense of freedom,” Tony Robbins writes in The Path. “You might be a millennial with burdensome student debt. You might be a baby boomer who needs to play some serious catch-up. You may be even wealthy by most standards yet have tremendous fear about losing all that you have worked hard to create.”

Whatever your definition of financial freedom, Peter Mallouk and Robbins want to help you achieve it. They tag-team The Path, switching off chapters, though Mallouk takes the lead. 

No matter where you are in your journey toward financial freedom and no matter what your definition of financial freedom may be, the book offers straightforward advice anyone can follow.

“The bottom line is this: It’s your money,” Mallouk writes. “You can take time to enjoy your progress to the summit. The joy is in the journey. If you can let go and enjoy it, fulfillment is at the peak.” (October; Post Hill Press; $26)

Overwhelmed and Over It

Embrace Your Power to Stay Centered and Sustained in a Chaotic World

By Christine Arylo

Everyone is tired, stressed out and trying to balance too many things at once. So it’s time to correct the habits that got us here, Christine Arylo writes in Overwhelmed and Over It.

“We do our best to make healthy choices,” Arylo writes. “We earnestly attempt regenerating activities like meditating, going to yoga classes, cleansing, or taking technology-free weekends. But the reality is that many of us are just holding on, treading water, praying we don’t sink and go under.”

In her book, Arylo tackles 12 roots of burnout and how to address them. One example of a potential source of stress is simply how we start our days. Arylo advises parting with the hurried beginnings of each morning, and rather connect with ourselves first before tackling anything else. 

“Think of the first minutes and hour as the most important of your entire day,” Arylo writes. (October; New World Library; $18)

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This article originally appeared in the November/December 2020 issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Photos by Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com

Jesus Jimenez is a staff writer for Dallas Morning News. He eats, breathes and sleeps Texas Rangers baseball. He also enjoys running, traveling and buying cool socks.